Integrations Specialist
Integration specialists bridge the gap between functional analysis/specs and technical analysis/specs, particularly for integration projects. The lines can be blurry between the role of a technical analyst from the functional areas (TAM/ESC) and that of the integration analyst (ICC). The distinct function of the integration analyst is to take a properly vetted and approved functional requirement, with supporting business logic (e.g. SQL, db-stored procedures), and fit that with the best-suited integration solution.
Furthermore, the integration role includes the responsibility of ongoing support for those integration solutions. This includes, but is not limited to, access controls and provisioning, production support, upgrades and enhancements.
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- An
- Dv
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- Db
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- Assist team in obtaining information via existing interfaces, web services
- Consult on integration-related strategies, technologies, and languages: event driven architecture, web services, Kafka, SOAP, REST, JWT, JSON, XML
Key Products
- Integration overview
- Application design
- Integration user guide (for system owner/administrator)
- API specification