Front-end Developer
Traditionally speaking, the front end of an application is the client-facing UI as rendered in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Using these languages, front-end developers work closely with designers to transform design mockups and layouts from graphic files or sketches to web- or mobile-ready code. At AITS this role is usually shared between UX and developers.
Implementing a design involves semantically marking up the page content, adding design assets, and creating mobile-first, responsive layout templates. In addition to realizing the visual design in a standards-compliant, accessible, and maintainable way, front-end development also includes implementing planned interactions (through scripting or CSS animations) that shape the user’s understanding and experience of a product.
Because a product’s UI evolves during the Design and Build phases, developers and designers must work closely to refine and document changes.
Close collaborators
- Ux
- Dv
- Ax
- Qa
- An
- Recreate designed templates in HTML and CSS
- Implement responsive design techniques
- Maintain site SCSS/CSS files
- Include basic javascript functions to illustrate interactions
- Test code before hand-off to developers for design accuracy and accessibility
- Produce and optimize web assets such as icons, backgrounds, and other images
Key Products
- Static codebase, with html, css, and other site assets
- Implementation guidelines for developers