
Focus: Collaboration, expert subject area knowledge


The raison d'etre for all our projects — the client’s need for change triggers all our projects, from new product development to work orders or updates.

Once a project is underway, the client becomes a source of insight: about their business needs, timeline, processes, and users. During Discovery, clients are expected to meet with core team members and provide reaction and guidance on requirements, user flows, design guidelines, and more. Often the team will ask the client to direct them to representative users and other stakeholders, so their respective contributions can be added. Design and Ideation can require feedback as well as active participation: clients are a partner to the team. From the Build to Support phases, the client assesses how the product matches their needs, helps define how success will be measured, and plans for future enhancements.

While we value their insights, we don’t assume that clients have all needs fully formed at the start — part of the team’s job is to help them reflect on and refine their expectations.

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  • Participate in analyst/UX interviews to define needs, processes, background, and expectations
  • Identify and provide access to additional stakeholders and users
  • Attend meetings, reviews, and test sessions
  • Approve budget and schedule estimates
  • Engage with project team to provide timely feedback, priorities, and approvals

Key Products

  • Sign-offs (project charter, change orders, acceptance tests, etc.)
  • Questionnaire responses, existing products/processes, user data, and other assets