Project Kick-offs
Download the Project Readiness Checklist
Gather core team for the Project Readiness Checklist
Representatives for the core roles (project management, development, design, and analysis) should meet once a project/work request is approved, and work through the BIDLC Project Readiness Checklist. Record your answers and reach consensus on how communication and project management tasks will be handled by the group; answers should be saved in the project hub.
Set up the documentation and communication tools
Depending on the scale of the project and the team's preferences, a project hub, time-tracking, and other tools may need to be set up.
Develop an agenda for the Project Kickoff meeting
The BIDLC Project Readiness Checklist should help identify key starting questions and areas for clarification. These points can be used to structure the Project Kick-off meeting with the full team and clients.